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Accepted File Types

  • Raster Graphics should be built in CMYK and submitted as a flattened TIFF or layered PhotoShop PSD/PSB file.

  • Vector Graphics should be built in CMYK.

  • PDF or Adobe Illustrator .ai files are preferred. EPS files are also accepted.

  • PDF files (unless exported from Adobe Illustrator with all editing features) will be considered final art and should have all bleed required.

  • Please do not include printers marks, crop marks, or other marks when exporting your PDF.

  • Wall murals and wall wraps should be created in Adobe Illustrator or PhotoShop - Not Adobe InDesign - and have all required bleed accounted for in the design.

  • All fonts must be converted to outlines. Please embed all images and objects. 

  • PDFs should be saved as Illustrator Default or Press Ready and not downsampled for size.

  • Placed raster images must be embedded or provided separately if linked.

  • Document raster effects must be set to high resolution.

Unacceptable File Types: To ensure quality we do not accept graphics in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Publisher, or Corel Draw. If files are submitted in an unaccepted format it may result in delays in production or a design fee.

Artwork Resolution

Minimum Resolution
  • 72 DPI for vehicle graphics, banners, and building graphics. 100 DPI is recommended.

  • 100 DPI for general environmental graphics, wall murals, window graphics, POP displays, posters, backlits, etc. 150 DPI is recommended.

  • Based on viewing distance, minimum resolutions are: 300 DPI for handheld items, 100 DPI for 10 feet or less, 72 DPI for 10 feet to 100 feet, 30 DPI for 100 feet or more.

File Scale

  • Files may be provided at a reduced scale, but scale must be noted. Accepted scales are 100%, half, quarter, 1/10th, 1/20th, etc.

  • If a scale is not noted, file will be assumed to be at 100%.

  • Resolution will need to be adjusted to account for scale. Proper and accurate output cannot be guaranteed for files provided at the wrong resolution or scale. Please see the chart below.

  • Adobe PDF Size Limit: While certain applications allow for larger sizes, some parts of the PDF workflow have a limit of 200" for page sizes. If your art exceeds 200", please scale to 200" or less. In some circumstances during artwork creation PDFs may be cropped at 200" with unclear error messages.

Resolution and Scale Table


  • All fonts must be converted to outlines. This will ensure that fonts do not accidentally change from computer to computer.

  • Fonts must be provided for designs that require text editing.

  • Files with missing fonts may incur production delays and additional costs.

  • Additional fees will be incurred if fonts need to be purchased.


  • Bleed is required if the art goes to the edge of the finished piece. Additional bleed may be necessary for installation purposes.

    • Standard Art, simple objects / shapes: 0.125" on all sides​

    • Standard Art, complex objects: 0.25" on all sides

    • Wall Wraps and Custom Wall Covering: 2" on all sides

    • Window Graphics: 1" on all sides

    • Standard Banners: 1.25" on all sides

  • Vehicle wraps require additional bleed.

    • Vans / Cars / SUVs:​

      • Sides: 6" on all sides​

      • Rear: 6" on all sides

      • Bumpers: 6" on all sides

      • Hood: 6" on all sides

      • Window Perf: 2" on all sides

    • Pickups:​

      • Sides: 6" on all sides (dually sides require 12" on all sides)​

      • Tailgate: 3" on all sides

      • Bumper: 6" on all sides

      • Hood: 6" on all sides

      • Window Perf: 2" on all sides

    • Box Trucks and Trailers:​

      • Sides: 2" on all sides​

      • Front: 2" on all sides

      • Rear: 2" on all sides


  • Files should be in CMYK. RGB files may encounter color shifting.

  • Solid Black: 100% K, do not use any type of rich black build for solid black.

  • Solid White: 0% build, do not use a spot color.

  • Pantone (PMS): PMS colors must be set as solid coated. If your design uses PMS colors please be sure to call them out. If the simulation of PMS colors is critical, a physical color proof should be requested. This may incur additional cost and will add time to the job. Not all Pantone colors are reproducible in CMYK.

  • Overprints: All over prints must be turned off. Leaving overprints turned on may produce unexpected results. The exception is for printing with White Ink.


For color matching please see our Color Matching section. For white ink please see our White Ink page.

Color Matching and Reproduction

Our goal is to provide predictable, consistent color output and reproduce your files as you have created them within the constraints of the media required or selected for the intended application. The media your art is printed on and any overlaminates used have an impact on the range of colors (gamut) that is capable of being reproduced on that media combination.


We use a fully ICC color managed workflow with custom output profiles for our printers and media combinations. If your files contain embedded source profiles or output intents, we will honor them. If your files do not contain embedded source profiles we will assume our defaults of US Web Coated SWOP for CMYK, sRGB for RGB, and Dot Gain 20% for grayscale.


We assume your artwork has been created using a calibrated monitor, ICC compliant software and workflow, and you have adjusted the colors as you intend them to print. We do not adjust your art to modify the color as our goal is to achieve accurate reproduction of the files provided.


Pantone® colors are are often used to specify colors, however, Pantone® colors were created for offset and screen printing with custom inks produced from standardized pigments for each color. Many of these colors may not reproduce well in standard 4 color process printing. If you have a Pantone® guide that compares the spot colors with the Pantone® process equivalents, we are often closer to the spot color than the offset CMYK mix. If you would like to use Pantone® spot colors in your art, please select them from the swatch books in your software and leave them as spot colors. Do not change their names or convert them to process colors. Our production software looks for these spot colors and can often reproduce them with better results than working with the CMYK mix.


Proofing - When compared to offset printing, where hundreds or thousands of copies are produced, it is not practical to produce a full size printed proof for a production run of one or two copies. If you are uncertain of the final output of your art, we can print a reduced sized version or full size test crop of your art. The charge for this varies depending on the materials and finishing, but it will add time to your order. 


Setting Up Files For White Ink

White ink is often used as a spot color and behind colors on clear and non-white media. It is also used to cover the entire area of a graphic for second surface (interior / reverse mount) graphics.


It is possible to print full coverage white from files without any special preparation.


For white under specific colors / objects or white as a spot color, please set up your files as follows. We may be able to work from files not set up in this manner, but it may require additional time and incur additional charges.


Adobe Illustrator and InDesign


Prepare your file by creating a spot color named White. Set this spot color to a color that clashes with your design to make the white ink areas visible.


If you are not using white under any color you can stop here and use this spot color as you would any other spot color. If you would like to use white under any other color, complete the following steps:


  1. Create a layer on top of all other layers for the white elements in your art. Name this layer White, or some other descriptive name.

  2. Place all the white elements on this layer and apply the White spot color as the fill/stroke as needed. You can use transparency to set the opacity of these elements for visibility. 

  3. In the Attributes panel, set all white objects to Overprint Fill and Overprint Stroke.

  4. We will choke the white layer during prepress. If you have already choked the white, please let us know to avoid any issues.


Adobe PhotoShop


Create a channel or a Spot Cannel to use for white ink and name it White. Put all elements that are white on this channel as black where you want white to be used. 



Setting Up Files For Contour Cutting

If you would like your file cut to a custom shape (anything other than a rectangle) you will need to create a vector cut path in your art. Please follow these instructions carefully. We may be able to work with files prepared differently, but it may cause delays and incur additional charges.


  1. If providing your own cut path, a vector path is needed. It must be created in Adobe Illustrator on a separate layer and be represented by a center aligned stroke no less than 0.25PT and no more than 1PT.

  2. Any closed cut path shapes must be merged to make one complete shape with no overlapping paths.



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